
Cities skylines road editor
Cities skylines road editor

Therefore the output in MW is not fixed like in a coal power plant. Wind Turbines require Wind in order to generate electricity. Recommendation: The Coal Power plant is too expensive at the start of the game (19.000 vs 6.000) so really the Wind Turbine is your only option! Want to know more about different power options in Cities Skylines? Checkout this guide: Cities Skylines Guide – Electricity and the best power plants! Wind levels Power and WindĪt the start of the game you can choose between a Wind Turbine and a Coal Power Plant. You can read more about Residential zones here: Cities Skylines Guide – How residential zones work.

cities skylines road editor

All roads have a maximum range of 4 squares. Recommendation: Zoning can only be achieved on the white squares that appear next to roads, but do not build too many roads at first. Constructing roads is very expensive in Cities Skylines, do not attempt to create a grid like this at the start of your game! Make sure you take care of your essential first. In Cities Skylines zoning is completely free but the roads are very expensive! So do not go crazy on laying roads. Just like in the famous SimCity series you will need to designate land for your citizens to construct housing on. Obviously this guide is a work in progress but I hope it will allow you to avoid some of the mistakes I made! The chapters in this guide appear in the order they are presented in-game. However there are a few things that might not be immediately clear or that can even allow you city to perish in a few minutes. Cities Skylines is an interesting game that is pretty accessible compared to some of its competitors.

cities skylines road editor

Hi there! Thanks to Paradox interactive I have been playing the latest city builder Cities Skylines for the last few days.

Cities skylines road editor