
Game pc yu gi oh
Game pc yu gi oh

"Yu-Gi-Oh!" is a popular manga created by Kazuki Takahashi that was serialized in SHUEISHA Inc.'s "WEEKLY SHONEN JUMP" from 1996. With "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links," engage in heated Duels anytime and anywhere against players around the world! Climb through the rankings and claim the title of King of Games!īuild your very own Deck with cards you collect in-game and take on opponents! The "Yu-Gi-Oh!" TCG (Trading Card Game) can be played digitally with newly designed, intuitive controls optimized for your personal computer! Also, signature monsters like "Dark Magician" and "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" make their appearance with dynamic visuals!ĭuel as your favorite characters from the "Yu-Gi-Oh!" world and complete Stage Missions to earn various rewards!Ĭhallenge Yugi, Kaiba, Joey, Mai and other Legendary Duelists! Complete specific Missions to unlock and these characters!Įarn Skills and rewards by leveling up your favorite characters!

game pc yu gi oh game pc yu gi oh

* Japanese text can only be selected if you started the game in Japan. In Duel World, any location transforms into a Duel Field where heated Duels unfold! Step into a world that crosses dimensions and connects all Duelists. Build your ultimate Deck and aim for the top! Signature monsters with stunning 3D animations! Intuitive controls for beginners! The depth to satisfy "Yu-Gi-Oh!" veterans!

game pc yu gi oh

Voices from the anime heighten the Dueling experience! Star-studded lineup includes: Yugi, Kaiba, Joey, Mai and more! Take on Duelists around the world with "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links"!

Game pc yu gi oh